◆About the office

【Name of the Office】Gyoseishoshi Nozomi Int’l Legal Office


【Address 】
  Dai-7 Matsuya Bldg. 3F No.303  2-23 Hommachibashi, Chuo-ku, 
  Osaka-city 540-0029 

【Location・Access 】
  7 minutes walks from Osaka Metro, Tanimachi line or Chuo-line, Tanimachi 4-chome Station [from exit 4]
  5 minutes walks from Osaka Metro, Sakaisuji line or Chuo-line, Sakaisuji-hommachi Station [from exit 12]

【Gyoseishoshi (immigration lawyer)  】Makiko Nomura


【Tel】 090-8306-8475


【E-mail】 [email protected]

Nozomi Int'l Legal Office

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Nozomi Int'l Legal Office
Dai-7 Matsuya Bldg. 3F No.303  2-23 Hommachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city 540-0029